What is SEO: Advantages, Types, Best Practices
What is the meaning of SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.
It is the process that improves a website to make it appear at the top of the search results in Google.
Ever wondered the kind of positive impact your business can make if your website ranks on top of Google search results page?
Think about the leads that you can generate, the organic traffic that you can drive on your website or for that matter reaching out to the right target audience in a quick time.
To avail all these benefits it is important to market your website.
The problem is, everyone today is running in the race to be at the top of the Google search results page without thinking about the right practices that will make you reach the top.
This is where the role of SEO starts.
It is your one-stop solution to driving traffic on your website, generating quality leads and arousing curiosity amongst your target audience about your business.

In the following chapters in this guide, we will focus on providing a step-by-step guide which will clarify all your doubts pertaining to SEO.
We will introduce different SEO techniques to grow your business exponentially on the internet which are very easy to grasp.
Chapter 1 – SEO Basics: What is SEO and the Critical Role Played by It in Marketing your Website?

Today more than ever it has become important for every webmaster to understand the true meaning of SEO and the untapped potential it has got to promote your business online.
So, without wasting any more time let us look at the definition of SEO.
SEO also known as Search Engine Optimisation is nothing but a set of rules that are needed to be followed by your business website to gain traction on search engines.
This ultimately results in improving your website ranking on reputed search engines like Google.
If you need a simpler explanation for the word SEO we can do that too.
Search Engine Optimisation is a great way to enhance your website in such a way that it appears on the top ranking on the search results page of Google, Bing, Yahoo or other reputed search engines.
When you search for a term on Google search engine the returning results are depicted on the basis of complex algorithms.
These algorithms consider various factors while ranking a particular web-page content on their search engine in a particular order.
By optimising your website for search engines you are giving yourself a great chance to increase the rankings above the non-optimised websites.
On top of this, it is a great way to enhance the quality of your website by making it easy to use, quicker and extremely convenient to navigate.
In addition to this, you can also think of SEO as a framework since its entire process revolves around a set number of guidelines, a sequence of steps and a set of controls.
Now that you have understood the definition of SEO in this upcoming sections of this chapter you will learn the critical role played by SEO in marketing your website.

The Critical Role Played By SEO in Marketing Your Website
SEO isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be, once you understand the basic fundamentals it’s simply a matter of time and energy.
This is why so many businesses have SEO agencies take over their marketing campaigns…
It really is a lot of effort!
SEO is a long-term commitment and continuous work in progress.
Your commitment to SEO is like being in a relationship.
If you work on growing the relationship with things such as quality time, investment and trust building, you will reap the benefits from the partnership (eg. becoming a millionaire, long walks on the beach together).
Neglect the relationship and you’ll end up alone (no business).
Abuse the relationship and you’ll end up in a bad way of trying to recover (such as businesses trying to recover from an online Google penalty-often a result from cheap and nasty SEO Adelaide).
The secret for a successful relationship with Google’s search engine lies in patience and longevity.
There are no “quick fixes” when trying to dominate website rankings.
Slow and steady wins the race…
Well at least in Googles arena.
Let us now look at the critical role played by SEO in marketing your website and drive more organic traffic towards your business:

Understanding E-A-T in SEO
The principles of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) have emerged as pivotal cornerstones. Expertise refers to the depth of knowledge and skill showcased in your content, ensuring that the information provided is both accurate and insightful.
Authoritativeness is established when your content is recognized as a reliable source in its domain, often achieved through citations, endorsements from industry experts, or showcasing relevant credentials.
Trustworthiness, the final pillar, emphasizes the importance of credibility. It’s not just about the accuracy of the content, but also about ensuring a secure browsing experience, transparent business practices, and genuine user reviews.
In essence, E-A-T is not just a guideline but a commitment to delivering high-quality content that users can rely on.
The Ultimate Objective of SEO is Not Only to Rank Higher on Reputed Search Engines But to Enhance User Experience and Provide Seamless Navigation of your Website
The role of SEO is not limited to only increase the rankings on reputed search engines.
By implementing good SEO practices you can enhance the user experience and provide seamless navigation of your website.
This ultimately results in the higher ranking of your website.
User Experience (UX) and Page Experience
A website’s design should be mobile-optimized, ensuring seamless navigation for users across various devices. Speed is of the essence; a fast-loading page not only retains user attention but also signals to search engines the site’s efficiency and reliability.
Safe browsing is non-negotiable; websites must be secure, free from malicious software, and offer a trustworthy environment for users. Interactivity, too, plays a crucial role. A site that engages its visitors, responds swiftly to user interactions, and offers an intuitive interface is more likely to rank favorably.
The user’s journey, from clicking on a search result to navigating a website, should be smooth, secure, and satisfying, underscoring the intertwined relationship between SEO and user-centric design.
SEO is Essential for Big Websites as It Gives An Opportunity to More than One Author to Reach Out to the Potential Audience Thereby Increasing the Rankings of the Website
SEO is a must for big websites.
It gives an added benefit to those websites who have multiple authors working on the content.
This has a positive effect in driving website traffic by complying with the common SEO checklists before publishing your content.
SEO can Prove to be Extremely Beneficial To Make you Edge Over your Competitors
We are living in a world where competition is given.
Google gives more visibility to those websites that are search engine optimised if they are in the same industry which ensures that they get more customers and generate more sales opportunities.
Now that you have gained basic information pertaining to SEO, in the next chapter we will focus on different types of SEO techniques used by SEO experts to get higher ranking on Google search results page.
Chapter 2 – Types of SEO Techniques Used by SEO Experts to Get Higher Ranking on Google Search Results Page
Did you know that there are different types of SEO techniques used by SEO experts to drive home organic traffic on their website?
Yes, this is true and in this chapter, we will be discussing the different types of SEO techniques and help you to distinguish between each one of them.
By the end of this chapter, we promise that you will have a fair idea about the SEO technique that you should employ to drive organic traffic to your website.
SEO techniques can generally be divided into three categories:
- Black hat technique
- White hat technique
- Grey hat technique

Each of these techniques has its own proven benefits and limitations.
To make you understand about each of these techniques it is important to look at them separately.
Opt for White Hat Technique when You Want to Adhere to the Search Engine’s Guidelines with Zero Deception
A SEO technique is considered to be white hat when it conforms to the search engine’s guidelines with zero deception.
It is more than simply following the guidelines.
With the help of white hat SEO technique, it is possible for SEO professionals to ensure that the content indexed by the search engine and is ranked subsequently is the same content viewed by the visitor.
It is more about creating content for visitors and not simply to get ranked on reputed search engines.
Were you aware of this fact?
The ultimate role of a white hat SEO technique is to ensure that the website content is easily accessible to the spiders rather than attempting to trick the algorithm from its intended purpose.
This very reason makes the white hat SEO technique as the most dependable method to get long-lasting results.
Black Hat SEO Techniques are Ways that are Disapproved by Search Engines Like Manipulation and Deception
Blackhat SEO technique is also known as search engine spam or spamdexing.
From the name you might have understood that it employs wrong methods to gain a higher ranking on reputed search engines.
The ultimate objective of blackhat SEO technique is to break the search engine rules and guidelines.
It uses hidden text – either in the form of colouring text with the same background or using cloaking method to present a different content to the search engine spyder than what is presented to the browser of the user.
Point to remember: Reputed search engines like Google penalise websites that employ blackhat SEO techniques by either reducing their rank or removing them altogether from the search results listing page.
The penalty is levied either automatically through the algorithms of the search engine or by a manual website review.
Google’s Spam Policies
Steer clear from the techniques that Google deems as ‘spammy’. These tactics are often designed to deceive search engines, can lead to severe penalties, including a significant drop in rankings or complete removal from search results.
Common spam techniques, such as cloaking (displaying different content to search engines than to users), keyword stuffing (overloading content with repetitive keywords), and link schemes (manipulating links to or from your site for ranking purposes), are flagged and penalized by Google.
It’s not just about adhering to guidelines; it’s about fostering trust with your audience and search engines alike. By focusing on genuine, high-quality content and ethical SEO practices, websites can ensure they align with Google’s standards and provide real value to their users.
Grey Hat Techniques are a Middle Path Between Black Hat and White Hat Approach by Ultimately Focusing on Improving the Ranking on Search Engines Without Being Penalised
In the SEO community, grey hat hackers are those who manipulate the website’s search engine rankings using unethical or improper means but they are not considered search engine spam.

Now that you have adequate information about each of these SEO techniques in the next chapter we will look at the definition of on-page SEO practice and its essential pillars
Chapter 3 – The Essential Pillars of On-Page SEO Practice
On-Page SEO is one of the most significant processes used by SEO professionals not only to achieve higher ranks on reputed search engines like Google but also for running successful SEO campaigns.
Website is a driving force for all SEO processes and in case it is not properly optimised for both search engines and users, your chances of succeeding are minimised.
On-Page SEO can be defined as a process of optimising each and every web-page of your website in such a way that it ranks higher in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS).
It has everything to do with the technical SEO including titles, descriptions, URLs and the content of your web-pages.
The ultimate objective of conducting on-page SEO is to speak in a language that is understood by the search engines and assist crawlers to comprehend the meaning and context of your web-pages.
If your visitors are not staying or engaging on your website, your website will be considered irrelevant in Google’s search results and rank low.
The final wait….
The obvious goal here is to create and deliver content that your audience wants to receive.
Some people believe that there are more on-page SEO techniques and not the only ones that we have specified below.
But the ones that we have mentioned are most significant which you can apply to your website in the next 24 hours and quickly boost your SEO.
Here are some On-Page SEO practices you will want to give some attention to:

Quality Content is Still the King and is Proven to be Advantageous when Combined with SEO to Drive Organic Traffic to your Website
Always remember, a website with high-quality content can perform well with or without SEO.
But, a website will bad content will hardly survive with or without SEO.
A quality website content can perform even better when combined with SEO techniques!
The question is what is quality website content?
Many people don’t really understand what web content is, or what it refers to.
Simply put, web content refers to all of the visual and aural content that is displayed on a website.
A websites contents may include items such as:
- Copywriting (text)
- Photos
- Graphics
- Audios
- Videos
- Animations
What is high-quality content?
Think of it this way, the content on your website should:
- Drive Traffic To Your Website
- Turn Strangers In Customers
There are many ways to optimise your website’s content quality and you will need to accept that it is an ongoing process.
Times change, people change, trends come and go. Your content needs to constantly adapt and optimise to these changes to keep your viewers attention.
Your objective is basically just finding the best ways you can communication and interact with your online users.
Research your biggest competitors and check up on them regularly (or any large successful companies) to see how they are delivering online content.
Keeping up to date with the latest online marketing techniques will help to keep your business in the game, but brainstorming new and innovative ways to grab your audience’s attention will help you to withstand the competition.
high-quality content will have the following attributes:
- Contains high value and usefulness to the viewer
- Keeps your audience engaged
- Effectively designed and easy to navigate
- Easy and simple to share online
- Optimised for keyword ranking
- Content is size optimised
Here is a break down of these areas, to help you better understand:

A Good Web Content Provides High Value and Usefulness to the Viewer
high-quality content- particularly in the eyes of a search engine, will always provide high value and usefulness to the user.
To do this, your website will provide and deliver the right information and solution to the viewers particular problem (the search made).
Google will be able to tell if it’s users are finding your website useful by tracking online user behaviour.
A Good Website Content Keeps your audience engaged
Irrelevant and boring content will cause your visitors to leave your website and seek out other options.
Along with the obvious fact that you are losing potential prospects, this also makes your website look bad to Google’s user behaviour tracking and will result in your website ranking low in search results.
A Good Website Content has Effective web design and Easy Navigation
Again, it’s all about the user experience, from the very moment they discover your website.
Is your website layout and design easy to navigate?
Complicated designs are distracting and disorientating for online users.
Your website’s layout/design should make online service as quick and as simple as possible.
Websites that are simple and easy to navigate have higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.
A Good Website Content is Easy to share
Build your websites online presence by making sure your website’s content is easy and simple to share via online link sharing.
Don’t forget to link your businesses social media accounts on your website, social networking is huge for link sharing.
A Good Website Content is Optimised for keyword ranking
Keyword optimisation refers to the research and analysis of choosing the correct keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from a search engine.
Also known as keyword research, it is a critical component for SEO because when used correctly it creates a valuable roadmap for content creation and marketing strategies.
By optimising your content for keyword ranking, you will be placing your business in front of the right people.

A Good Website Content has Comprehensive Details to Provide High Value to the Readers
Here are some other important questions you will want to check off on your websites optimisation list:
- Have you made it clear how your customers can contact you?
- Is your font type and size easy to read?
- Is it easy for users to see and access the most important areas on your website?
- Have you used appropriate call to action on your web-pages?
To sum up, a quality website content has seven components:
- It has original content with no rewrites of existing articles
- The content is fresh and has been published on your website for the very first time
- Content that combines text and non-text content in equal proportions
- Content that has some value attached to it which makes the reader share the content piece
- Content that is well-researched with in-depth analysis to give full justice to the topic in hand
- Long articles are known to perform way better than their shorter counterparts
- The content pieces should be written in an unbiased manner giving due coverage to the idea from different angles with justified answers to resolve concerns of people in a genuine way
Create Good Page Titles and Meta Descriptions to make Reputed Search Engines Rank Your Website On the Top by Understanding what Your Web-Page Content is All About
Search engines check the page title, the description on the page, the headings and the content including the text, videos and images.
Through this process, they comprehend what your web-page content is all about and then on the basis of other factors like off-page SEO, domain authority, competition etc. they rank your web-page based on the keywords according to a position in their index.
Let us first of all look at page title.
Page Titles assist search engines and visitors to understand what that particular web-page is all about
It is considered to be one of the most important on-page SEO factors.
Follow these tips to optimise your page title:
If Possible, Add Keywords at the Start of your Page Titles
By adding keywords at the start of your page titles you are giving an opportunity to the reputed search engines to understand from the scratch what keywords your web-pages are targeting.
But, it is important to not take the wrong route at doing keyword stuffing.
Do not worry: Even if you cannot have keywords at the start of the web-page it is not the end of the world.
Just ensure that the target keyword is a part of the title.
Write Page Titles That are not Too Long To Help Displaying the Entire Title on the Search Results Page
Always write page titles that are not too long.
Generally, the accepted norm is to keep it below 60 characters as there is a restriction on Google related to the number of characters that are displayed on the search results page.
Always Include a Number and Power Words in the Title to Increase the Click Through Rate of your Website
It is important to include a number and some powerful words in the title like “ultimate, amazing, actionable” etc. which makes the title more interesting.
This will ultimately have a positive impact on the click-through rate of your website
Never Include your Domain Name in the Title to Maximise the use of the 60 Characters Limit to Provide Precise Description of your Web-Page
The domain name is automatically included by Google so there is no need to include it in the title.
Maximise the 60 characters limit to ensure that you add a precise description to increase the relevancy of your web-page content for better ranking on Google.
Meta Descriptions Showcase the Opportunity to Advertise your Web-Pages to Make them Click on your Link Rather than Move to the Competitors
Your meta descriptions need to be descriptive, up to 160 characters and unique for each web-page.
Remember, Google always does not show the meta description provided by you.
Instead of that they use their own if they believe it is more appropriate for the searchers.
Follow these tips to optimise your meta descriptions:
Never use auto-generated descriptions even if Google Does not Use Your Meta Descriptions to Rank your Website Higher on Search Results Page
Even if Google may not use your description, it is important not to take the shortcut and use auto-generated descriptions.
The reason being, it really does not serve the purpose.
It will also not help in ranking your website higher on the search results page.
Add Most Relevant Target Keywords in the Description to Make your Web-Page Content More Relevant and Appealing to the Searchers
It is a general practice by Google to highlight search terms both in the title and description.
By adding the targeted keywords in your description you are making your web-page content more relevant and appealing to the searchers.
Use Content SEO to Optimise the Actual Content for your Target Keywords to Increase Topic Relevance Instead of Keyword Relevance in the Website Content
Before thinking about publishing your website content irrespective of whether it is text, images, audio or video the very first thing that you should do is keyword research.
This exercise is important to understand the type of search terms users are typing in the search box and then create content that resolves their concern.
Once you have decided on the target keywords, the next step is to create a list of related keywords also known as LSI keywords and use them in the titles, headings, descriptions and page content.
The reason being, today Google search algorithms have become more intelligent.
They are no longer looking for keyword relevance in the topic instead of that, they are looking at topic relevance.
Continue reading: This also means that today you need to search for those keywords that Google considers relevant to your target keywords.
You can do this by using these three features provided by Google:
- Use Google Suggest when you Want to Search for a List of Possible Phrases
- Use People Also Ask Section to Use Keywords that can be Integrated into your Sub-Headings
- Use Related Searches Option by Scrolling Down at the Bottom of Google Search Results Page
Let us look at these features in-depth one-by-one:
Use Google Suggest when you Want to Search for a List of Possible Phrases
While searching for a query in Google you come across a list of possible phrases connected to your search term while searching.
These can be considered a great list of keywords that can be used in the website content to get higher ranking on Google.
Use People Also Ask Section to Use Keywords that can be Integrated into your Sub-Headings
When you click on search, there is a section where Google shows certain questions that can be considered as great keywords that can be integrated in your sub-headings.
Use Related Searches Option by Scrolling Down at the Bottom of Google Search Results Page
When you scroll down at the bottom of the screen, you will see related searches shown by Google.
Simply use any of these keywords in your content but always take care that there is no keyword stuffing.
A Good Website Content Needs to have Appropriate Headings and Good Readable Content Using Appropriate Content Formatting for Good Ranking on Google Search Results Page
It is extremely critical for a web-page content to be properly formatted.
It should have appropriate headings like h1 and sub-headings like h2 and h3.
Always have a single H1 tag on each page.
In case you are using WordPress by default your title of the page will be converted into H1 tags.
Either select the title as
tag or provide an alternative title for the heading.
Always remember, search engines display the results what they find in the title tag and not the H1 tag.
Keep in mind these tips while framing h1,h2,h3.
- Never use a single word for the heading.
- Instead make the heading interesting by explaining what the topic talks about so that even if they skim your subheading they get an idea about the topic at hand.
- Always follow the hierarchical order i.e.; the first heading should be H1 and then , H2, H3 etc.
- Use the related keywords explained above in the subheadings.
Prepare Good Readable Content With the Help of Appropriate Content Framework to Ensure Visitors Click on your Website
Follow these tips while performing content formatting:
- Always use bold , underline or italics to highlight significant parts of your webpage content.
- Use at least 14px font size for enhanced readability.
- Divide the text into smaller paragraphs (approximately 3-4 lines)
- Have enough space between the paragraphs so that it becomes easier for the visitors to read the text.
- Use CSS to create sections and break the text into smaller more manageable parts.
Use Images and Other Multimedia Elements to Present your Content in An Interesting and Easy to Understand Manner
It has been commonly found that images and other multimedia elements although useful add a lot of loading time of a web-page.
In order to resolve this problem, you need to follow these best practices for using images:
- Always use original images on your website. In case you need to use an existing image from the web do not forget to give reference to the source.
- Keep the image size to the smallest in terms of bytes and optimise them. Remember, the smaller the size of the image, the better.
- Employ an tag to describe the image. This is the best way to make reputed search engines understand what your image is all about.
- Use descriptive filenames. Instead of a boring name like “image1.png” use the name like “man-doing-push-ups.jpg”.
- Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in case you have lots of images in a single page which will aid in loading your webpage faster.
Optimise your Website URL to take the Maximum Advantage of Ensuring that Your Website Comes on Top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) on Google
There are two different parts when it comes to optimising your website URL to take maximum advantage of ensuring that your website comes on top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) on Google:
- Create a Unique URL for Each and Every Web-Page of your Website for URL optimisation
- Create the Actual Structure of Your Website Using the URL structure
Let us look at both these things in details:
Create a Unique URL for Each and Every Web-Page of your Website for URL optimisation
Also known as the slug, it is the permanent link for unique URL for each and every web-page of your site.
Always ensure that your URL is less than 25 characters and uses hyphens to separate the different parts.
Similar to an SEO friendly page title, your URL should be short, descriptive and contains your targeted keywords.
These are some of the examples of good URLs:
Create the Actual Structure of Your Website Using the URL structure
Your URL structure should mimic your website structure.
Some of the best practices for optimising your URL structure include:
Categorise your Pages to Assist Visitors and Search Engines to Find What They are Looking for Faster
If you have lots of uncategorised pages it becomes extremely difficult for the visitors to look for their desired web-pages.
Instead of that, if you have sub-categories with not more than two levels it becomes very easy for visitors and search engines to look for adequate results.
For example, a good category structure is:
Homepage > Social Media > Facebook > Blog
While a bad category structure is:
Homepage > Social Media > Facebook > How To > Blog
Integrate a Breadcrumb Menu in Your Website to Let the Visitors Know where They Exactly are and How Far is the Homepage
With the help of a breadcrumb, it is possible for the visitors to navigate your website in a structured manner.
It also assists them in knowing where they exactly are and how far is the homepage.

Internal Links Add Value to Your Web-Page Content and Enable Reputed Search Engines to Follow Them Faster Resulting in Making them Crawl your Website Content Faster
Internal links tell search engines to read those web-pages which they might have missed to crawl.
It showcases the most important web-pages and ensures that the search engines give them more priority than the other web-pages on the site.
It increases the readability factor as a visitor who reads your web-page content is more likely to read more on a certain topic that is linked to their interest which in turn increases the time spent on the website, number of pages per visit and decreases the bounce rate.
Let us now look at some of the best practices for internal linking:
- Never stuff keywords only to provide internal linking.
- Add internal links only if there is added usability for the readers pertaining to the topic in question.
- Limit your internal links to a maximum of 15 per page.
- If possible, add the internal links in the main body of the content instead of the footer of the sidebar.
Use External Links to Increase the Trustworthiness of Your Web-Page Content By Linking with Other high-quality Websites
After the Google updates like Panda and Penguin, a lot of webmasters are now afraid of practising external linking as an SEO strategy.
They feel it might result in a penalty from Google but this is not correct.
Once you link your web-page content with other high-quality websites it increases the trustworthiness of your content.
This is a good sign for SEO.
Not to forget…….
There are times when Google uses the external links as a mechanism in-depth topic coverage pertaining to your content in question.
Affiliate Links and Transparency
Readers value honesty and clarity, and it’s crucial to disclose any affiliate relationships upfront. Clearly label affiliate links or provide a brief note at the beginning or end of your content, informing readers of the affiliate nature of certain links.
Google, too, emphasizes the importance of adding value beyond just affiliate links. Ensure that your content remains informative, unbiased, and offers genuine insights, even when promoting affiliate products. By being transparent and prioritizing user value, you not only build trust with your audience but also align with best SEO practices.
Increase your Website Speed to Ensure that your Site Ranks Higher on Reputed Search Engines
An online marketing study revealed that around 47% of online users expect your website to load in under 2 seconds!
On top of that, more than half of these users won’t even buy from a website that is loading too slowly.
It’s a well-known fact for business owners that online customers don’t want to wait.
And with the thousands of online competitors happy to deliver fast efficient service, can you really blame them for going elsewhere if your website is taking forever to load?
Google has also taken into account the importance of a websites speed in relation to ranking.
There are many free website speed tests you can use online to discover the current speed of your website, but it usually helps more when comparing the results with something (if you’re unsure about what is considered a “decent” speed).
Here is a useful tool where you can discover your websites current loading speed and compare it with your competitor’s website speed. Click here to begin.

It’ll give you some insight on where you should be operating at.
If your current website speed is average or below, fear not! There are many ways you can boost your websites speed!
Use Google’s recommendations and ensure that your website has a faster page loading time which will ultimately help you to drive organic traffic, retain visitors for a longer period and convert them into potential leads for business growth.
Create a Responsive and mobile-friendly Web Design to Give an Opportunity for your Website to Rank Higher on Search Results Page
What does having a responsive website mean?
Having a responsive website means that your website will automatically adjust to fit the device you’re reading it on (and attractively if done correctly).
The usual screen sizes that responsive web design is developed for include:
- The widescreen desktop monitor
- The smaller desktop monitor (or laptop)
- Tablet screens
- Mobile phone screens
In April 2015, Google changed its search results standards to favour mobile-friendly websites.
This SEO update forced every serious website owner to optimise their websites to provide for mobile users.
With the number of online mobile phone users continually growing, it’s no wonder Google now favours mobile-friendly websites in it’s rankings.
By optimising your website to a responsive design, you’re not only staying in Googles favour but also expanding your audience reach to a rapidly increasing market.
If you’re unsure about your website’s current responsiveness, you can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool to check.
The positive part?
It’s free and easy to use, just paste your website’s URL into the search box and click the “Run Test” button.
Check it out, click here.
Social Media Blog Comments is an Integral Part of Increasing the Organic Traffic on your Website and Make them Stay at your Web-Pages for a Longer Period of Time
Social media blog comments are very significant when it comes to SEO.
It provides a fair estimation of how people perceive about your content and how much interaction they have on the web-page content which can really have a positive effect on SEO.
Before posting a new comment, visitors would normally read the existing comments which gives an additional opportunity to make them stay on your website.
Follow these simple rules to make the most of the comments:
- Always moderate comments before publishing on your website.
- If there are any generic comments it is best not to publish them at all.
- Approve only those comments which can add value to your page content.
- If the visitors do not provide their real name do not waste your time in adding their comments.
- Be prompt while replying to the comments to encourage more visitors to engage with your web-pages.
Since you are now aware of the different pillars that strengthen on-page SEO practice in the final chapter we will look at some of the off-page SEO practices that you need to apply in the year 2019 for generating quality traffic on your website.
Chapter 4 – 13 Ingenious off-page SEO Practice That You Need to get Traffic
Off-page SEO refers to all the actions and methods used outside or “off” of the website itself, to help improve it’s ranking on a search engine.
Many people refer to off-page SEO as “link building” and the main objective is to promote and drive traffic to a website, as well as boost its ranking.
Search Engines have been consistently optimising the ways in which they can deliver the most accurate results to the user.
To determine the most relevant results a search engine takes into account a website’s On-Page and off-page SEO.
Websites that are considered high-quality and most relevant in search results, usually have links and mentions from other websites as well as bookmarks and shares among other online communities.
This is how off-page SEO shows a search engine how online users receive a website.

Develop Content That is Not only Amazing But Also Highly Shareable which Assists in Generating more and more Natural Backlinks
As discussed earlier, content is the king and will always remain so when it comes to search engine optimisation.
It is important for you to create not only amazing qualitative content pieces but also ensure that it is shareable so that you can get more and more natural backlinks.
Constantly keep yourself updated with the information and publish the latest content which is valuable to your visitors.
Reach Out with your Highly Qualitative Content to the Influencers in your Industry and Ask Them to Share Backlinks to your Write-ups to Establish Yourself as an Expert in your Industry
If your content is worth sharing do not forget to reach out the influencers in your industry.
Inform them about your blog and ask for backlinks from their blogs.
Ensure that the links you are getting are from the most relevant domains.
Contribute as a Guest Author by Writing Amazing Pieces of Content with the Major Focus on Creating Quality Rather than Quantity of Links
There are various good and quality blogs that are open to the guest post from different authors.
Reach out to them and create an amazing piece of information for the guest post.
Remember, the quality of links is more important than quantity.
Also, do not frequently reach out to the same guest post site multiple times.
Engage with People on Different Social Media Platforms to Get More Backlinks for your Website
One of the major strategies that work in off-page SEO is social media engagement.
If you want to make your business website or blog site popular, engage with people on different social media platforms.
This way you will not only get visibility for your business but also generate more backlinks.
Some of the top performing social media networking sites that you can useincludeTwitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google Plus.
Use Social Bookmarking Sites to Promote your Website and Drive Organic Traffic to your Website or Blog
When you bookmark your web-page or blog post on popular bookmarking sites, you get high traffic for your website or blog.
Some of the popular and high PR bookmarking websites include
Participate in Forums Related to your Business and Establish Connection with the Community
Answer queries of participants, reply to their threads and give suggestions and advice.
Try to use “Do-Follow” forums.
Some of the list of high PR forums include
Develop Quality Backlinks by Doing Blog Directory Submission
Select an effective directory by opting for a proper category.
It may take some time for you to get quality results but rest assured that the outcome will for a long term.
Some of the free directory submission lists include
Submit your Articles in a High PR Article Submission Directory to Generate Quality Traffic to your Website
Give links to your website.
If the quality of your content is low or it is keyword stuffed then there are chances of it to be rejected.
Select an appropriate category and give a good title to the write-up.
Some of the free article submission sites include
- http://www.thefreelibrary.com/
- http://www.magportal.com
- http://www.ezinearticles.com
- http://hubpages.com/
- http://www.brighthub.com/
Join High PR Question And Answer Sites and Search for Questions Related to your Niche or Website and Post Answers by Giving a Link to your Website to Drive Traffic
Join high PR question and answer site and search for questions related to your industry, blog or website.
Give clear answers to the members.
Do not forget to give the link of your website while giving the answer to increase the visibility of your business.
Some of the popular question and answer sites include
Make your Videos Popular By Submitting Them to Popular Video Submission Sites and Generate High-Quality Backlinks for your Website
If you have quality videos at your disposal, submit them to popular video submission sites.
Give a proper title, tags, descriptions and reference links.
This way you can easily create backlinks for your website as all video submission websites have high PR.
Some of the popular video sharing sites include:
- https://www.youtube.com
- https://www.vimeo.com
- http://www.ustream.tv/
- https://www.hulu.com/
- http://www.metacafe.com/
- http://www.dailymotion.com/in
Optimise your Images and then Post Them on Popular Image Submission Websites
Before submitting the photo ensure that it is fully optimised with correct URL and title tag.
Do not forget to check proper title, description, and tags.
Some of the popular image sharing sites include
- https://www.flickr.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/
- https://picasa.google.com/
- http://www.deviantart.com/
- http://imgur.com/
- https://www.mediafire.com/
- https://www.shutterfly.com/
- http://www.fotolog.com/
Submit your Infographics on Infographics Submission Websites and Give Reference Links to your Web-page or blog to Drive Organic Traffic
These days creative infographics are the need of the hour.
Create visually stunning infographics and submit them on infographics submission website.
Give reference links to your web-page or blog and drive organic traffic.
A point to remember: the image sizes may differ on different websites.
Some of the popular infographics submission sites include
- http://www.visual.ly/
- http://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics
- http://submitinfographics.com/
- http://www.infographiclove.com/
- http://www.infographicsarchive.com/
Create Alluring Documents Related to your Business or Website and Share them to Document Sharing Sites to Generate Traffic on your Website
The documents that you create need to have exclusive content either in PDF or PPT formats.
Submit these documents to document sharing sites.
Some of the popular document sharing sites include
Congratulations! You Have Graduated to the Next Level of SEO Learning
The very thing that you have completed reading this write-up shows that you have graduated to the next level of SEO learning.
If you need any help while conducting a successful online SEO campaign, contact our experienced SEO Adelaide, and we will be glad to assist you with your SEO requirements.